Utolsó kommentek

  • Mivégre is?
    _user_12317 - 2012-05-06 18:13:56
  • -->
  • Mivégre is?
    _user_12680 - 2012-05-06 13:02:17
  • -->
  • Ecce homo
    PAPASAS - 2012-04-26 23:44:10
  • -->
  • Istenítélet
    _user_12317 - 2012-04-16 01:36:17
  • -->
  • Istenítélet
    _user_40643 - 2012-04-16 00:17:56
  • -->
  • Istenítélet
    _user_53983 - 2012-04-15 23:37:40
  • -->
  • Hol gyengéden
    _user_7593 - 2012-04-05 07:34:20
  • -->
  • Hol gyengéden
    _user_9625 - 2012-04-05 00:56:35
  • -->
  • Ha elfogyott
    _user_12317 - 2012-04-04 13:18:01
  • -->
  • Ha elfogyott
    _user_7593 - 2012-04-04 12:52:25
  • -->
  • Megnyílni előtted
    _user_12317 - 2012-04-03 12:31:05
  • -->
  • Megnyílni előtted
    _user_7593 - 2012-04-03 07:09:32
  • -->
  • Ötvözet módjára
    _user_12317 - 2012-04-01 21:17:06
  • -->
  • Ötvözet módjára
    _user_671 - 2012-04-01 10:52:05
  • -->
  • Nézőpontok
    _user_4 - 2012-03-28 18:08:29
  • -->

Napló topikok


  • 2012-02-19 00:25:06
  • kiski

Who comes up with a contest about writing 500 words about what one would spend $5000 on? I'll be honest, this task intrigues me. I mean finding out who posted this contest.

In my first upheaval I thought this might be a test for room assignemnt in a mental asylum. For example if somebody correctly guesses what an average middle class citizen (8 hours of work a day, sex with spouse between 10 pm and 10:02 pm on Fridays, house with white fence, dog, church on Sundays followed by Monopoly with the kids and watching the match on TV) in a hibernated mental state (i.e. normal) would spend it on, that person can skip two bonded cold showers or a chosen shock therapy a week. However those saying they's spend 4900 on women and booze, and would foolishly squander the rest, would end up in the underground section so the freshmen nurse students could practice restraining on him.

My second idea is the Tax Office. This test is a primary filter that indicates who they need to audition in the next quarter. People writing that they want to change the veneer of their royces from walnut burr to mahogany earned themselves a visit with the devoted officials. The files of those, who write they want to reduce their bank debts with it, can stay in the drawer for another term. In the in between cases, like sending the children to school or installing heat insulating windows the machine would decide by random drawing.

This contest might also be a good weapon in the arsenal of trained swindlers, like the gypsy who sold raffle tickets for a thousand forints a piece, then gave the 1000 bill back to the winner since the prize horse was dead and ignored the rest because they lost anyway. However this cannot be the case, since there is no entry fee for this contest.

Reading the details of the contest was the first thing I did, so I realized from the start that my musings cannot be the true, but somehow I didn't want to begin with saying that this is a very bad way of choosing who would win $5000. The decision process in such a contest is highly subjective and the contestants are not informed what the basis of the subjective decision making is. Do they decide based on style? Or is the fantasy of the contestants the key? How do people who only speak English decide about a Hungarian post? How do they compare the blog posts of a Portugeese, an Icelandic or a Hungarian player to that of a player from Bristol? The announcement is lacking quite a bit, not to mention the following quote: "There are also cash prizes up to $5,000 for the Best Blogger". Up to? Does this mean that if I get $20 as the best blogger I can't complain? Not that I would.

By the way I'd spend $5000 on 18 person $3.50 and $7.00 NLOHILO sng-s.
Nem tetszik!
Még nem pontozták


_user_16519 2012-02-19 08:34:22
most télleg kiszámoltad az ötszáz szót? muha.. de Kopinak igaza van:) megint csak a complaints, meg a romakérdés:)
Kopi 2012-02-19 02:12:05
Ehh, megint a cigányozás.